Research Grants
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Dysimmune Diseases Foundation Request for Proposals Announcement
Dysimmune Diseases Foundation (DDF) is proud to announce the first Young Investigator Research Grant which will provide $75,000 to support autoimmune neuromuscular disease clinical research.

DDF Young Investigator Research Grant
Award: $75,000 over 2 Years

UPDATE: The 2021 winner is announced!
Dysimmune Diseases Foundation (DDF) was created in 2005 as a non-profit health foundation. Our goals are:

Dedicated to advancing effective treatments and equitable access
for dysimmune disease patients.

Facilitating financial and administrative assistance ensuring patients receive essential care.

Promoting studies to deepen understanding and innovate cost-effective therapies for dysimmune diseases.
To support the autoimmune neuromuscular disease research of investigators in the early stages of their career.
$75,000 will be granted to cover direct costs of research and/or provide partial salary support to allow an investigator to complete a research project over a two-year period. If the investigator requests partial salary support (including fringe benefits) it may be granted up to $40,000 and not to exceed $20,000 per year.
DDF will consider an application for a grant from a candidate who is either working independently or as a member of a research team with an independent investigator under whose guidance the applicant will be given flexibility to conduct an autoimmune neuromuscular disease research project.
To be eligible for a Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.)
- Not be beyond Assistant Professor level and not more than five years post-fellowship*
*extenuating circumstances will be considered - Be qualified to conduct a program of original research independently or under the supervision of a Principal Investigator
- Have an acceptable research plan for a specific autoimmune neuromuscular disease
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project
- Have a designated mentor for research guidance
Proposals from applicants working at institutions outside the United States will not be considered.
- Grants are intended to fund research in cause, diagnosis, or treatment of autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.
- Funding may be used for an independent project or to support additional work on an ongoing, funded study.
- Grants do not provide funds for indirect costs
- Research should be able to be completed within two years with interim progress reports at 9 months and 18 months. The progress report at 18 months should include a presentation of work to date to the board, interim results are acceptable.
- Research should be presented at a national or international meeting and/or published.


1. Letter of Intent
Apply by submitting your letter of intent.
Deadline: October 1, 2020 at 11:59 EST

2. Review
The DDF Grant Advisory Board will review the letters of intent and invite selected candidates to submit a full proposal.
Reviewed on: November 1, 2020
3. Submit Full Proposal
Selected candidates may submit their full proposals via the DDF website.
Deadline: February 1, 2020 11:59 EST

4. Winner Revealed
The grant determination will be announced.
Announcement: April 1, 2021
The letter of intent should be 1-2 pages in length with an additional page allowed for a summary budget.- Cover a. Please click here for the Grant Application.
- Principal Aims
- Time frame
- Short and long term career goals a. How this grant will help you achieve your goals
- Mentors
- Budget a. Describe budget needs for year 1 and year 2 separately
DDF research grants may be used for an independent project or to support additional work on an ongoing, funded study, but are not designed to cover the applicant’s entire compensation. If necessary, an explanatory letter should be included in the appendix to clarify the differences between the present application to the DDF and currently funded projects or salary support. The applicant’s institution is expected to provide the required physical facilities and administrative services normally available in an institution. DDF’s research grants do not provide money for facilities and administration costs (indirect costs), or funds for such items as: secretarial/administrative salaries, books and periodicals, membership dues, office and laboratory furniture, office equipment and supplies, rental of office or laboratory space, recruiting and relocation expenses, personal services, or construction, renovation, or maintenance of buildings or laboratories.PROPOSAL GUIDELINES
Detailed proposal guidelines can be downloaded here, and will be sent directly to selected candidates once the DDF Grant Advisory Board reviews the letters of intent and invites selected candidates to submit a full proposal. Selected candidates may submit their full proposal here.